Barefoot Wine (USA)

Showing 901-948 of 948 total records for this group.
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Burguet, A. #3ba*
ID: 003098
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: Y
Description: Black, gold design/letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2018 72, #3ba

Burguet, A. #3bb*
ID: 003097
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: Y
Description: Burgundy, gold design/letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #3bb

Burlot-Nahe #5*
ID: 010081
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: Green, gold
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #5

Busin, Christian #1*
ID: 000538
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold design, white script
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #1

Busin, Christian #12*
ID: 002562
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black design/letters – CUVEE D'UZEZ
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #12

Busin, Christian #4*
ID: 006613
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: rose', white letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #4

Busin, Christian #5*
ID: 007076
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: Red, white letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #5

Busin, Christian #6*
ID: 002142
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: Burgundy, gold design, white script
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #6

Busin, Jacques #1*
ID: 001904
Type: Champagne
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold design/letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2024 72, #1

~Bach, (ES)*
ID: 008069
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: greens, villa photo
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A -

~Baldus, (ES)*
ID: 007852
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: metallic burgundy, gold
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A 

~Barza, (ES)*
ID: 008018
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: black, red crown
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A -

South Africa
~Beck, Graham, (I)*
ID: 006076
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold rim white center
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 6
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I*92, #SABC07

South Africa
~Beck, Graham, (I)*
ID: 007197
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White center, burgundy rim – SOUTH AFRICA
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 8
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-84, #SABC08

South Africa
~Beck, Graham, (I)*
ID: 008147
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Dark blue rim, white center, gold - MADEBA
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-84, #SABC04

South Africa
~Beck, Graham, (I)*
ID: 008166
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Pink rim/design/letters, white center
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 27
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2013 I-84, #SABC14

South Africa
~Beck, Graham, (I)*
ID: 008167
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Blue rim/letters, white center, (no country)
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-84, #SABC02

South Africa
~Beck, Graham, (I)*
ID: 010435
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, gold letters, red center, pink rim - METHODE CAP CLASSIQUE
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-91

~Bel-Jotte, (I)*
ID: 009885
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Rose, blue, fancy BJ
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [N/A -

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 002200
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Carmel, burgundy design/letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM02
also Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 002400
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Dark Green rim, white center, gold ring/design
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM13
also Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 004081
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream rim, white center, gold ring/design
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM09
also Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 004082
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Burgundy rim, white center, gold ring/design
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM22
also Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 007479
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream, black
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-68, #LUBM01

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 007480
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Green, gold - BM
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM25

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 007584
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Orange rim
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM11

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 007620
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Red, gold - BM
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-66, #LUBM17

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 007854
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Yellow, gold
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM16

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 008872
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Yellow rim, building
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-67, #LU BM92-23562

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 009813
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Dark Blue, gold
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LU BM 26

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 010433
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Dark red, gold - BM
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM24 U

~Bernard-Massard, (I)*
ID: 010445
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Green rim, black small letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-65, #LUBM23H

~Bitch Bubbly, (ES)*
ID: 010123
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Pink, black heart w/dager
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: N/A [N/A N/A

~Blancher, Capdevila Pujol, (ES)*
ID: 007853
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: yellow - cream, green letters
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A -

~Blay, Cal, Restaurant, (ES)*
ID: 007157
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Bowl fruit
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A -

~Blue Nun - Franz Wilhelm Langguth, (I)*
ID: 010448
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, Black Drawing of a Religious Woman
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 

~Bodegas Bilbainas, (ES)*
ID: 000805
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Red rim, white center, black letters - Haro
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A 

~Bodegas Bordeje, (ES)*
ID: 008078
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: white, 2 shields, helmut
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A -

Czech Republic
~Bohemia Sekt, (I)*
ID: 007523
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream, black, gold
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-96, #TXBS06

~Bohigas, (ES)*
ID: 007603
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: black, gold, red, white
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A 

South Africa
~Bon Courage, (I)*
ID: 008274
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black rim, red, gold
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-85, #SABG01

~Bonaval, (ES)*
ID: 003204
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, silver ribbon, circle, -1931
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Spain Catalog [N/A 

South Africa
~Boschendal, (I)*
ID: 008171
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black rim, gold ring/letters, burgundy center, (bad capsule)
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-85, #SABS06

~Bosteels, Brouwerij Brasserie, (I)*
ID: 009742
Type: Other
Commemorative: N
Description: Caramel, black CB
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-37

~Breuer, Georg, (I)*
ID: 007143
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, white (13mm) – GB
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-1, #ALBU01H

~Brundlmayer Weingut, Langenlois, (I)*
ID: 009809
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, light black
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-32, #ATBR01C

~Brundlmayer, Weingut, Langenlois, (I)*
ID: 009808
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream, dark black
Available for trade or sale.
Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 I-32, #ATBR03D

~Ger Bischflich Weinguter#
ID: 011448
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black letters WB
Quantity: 1
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Cataleg Internacional [2013 N/A

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