Domaine Carnerous (Taittinger)

%Niño, Franco, (IT)*
ID: 001172
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Grey, gold, black

Quantity: 18
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-218, #NNF-002

%Nino, Franco, (IT)*
ID: 007168
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Grey, black center, gold – NF

Quantity: 8
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-218, #NNF-001

%Opera Trevigiane, (IT)*
ID: 005935
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, black

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-219, #OPT-002a

%Riccadonna, (IT)*
ID: 005919
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, red – 151/AT, eagle attached to the hoop

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-239, #RCC-018a

%Riccadonna, (IT)*
ID: 005921
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, white

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-239, #RCC-025b

%Riondo Cantine, (IT)*
ID: 008270
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold - R o

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-242, #RIO-006

%Ronco Calino, (IT)*
ID: 009786
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Burgundy, gold

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-245, #RNC-002a

%Rotari, (IT)*
ID: 009776
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black, A is taller - ROTARI

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-246, #RTR-004

%Santa Margherita, (IT)*
ID: 002437
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, black circles/letters - VE 1019, SANTA

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-254, #SMR-005a

%Santa Margherita, (IT)*
ID: 010415
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, black - S.MARGHERITA S.P.A., VE1019

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-254, #SMR-005

%Sorelle Casa, (IT)*
ID: 009775
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, gold - SECCO

Quantity: 5
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-276, #SCS-002

%Spagnol Eli E Orazio, (IT)*
ID: 007191
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Green, gold, R.I. 10835V/TV - PROSECCO DI VALDOBBIADENE

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-276, #SPN-003a

%Taburno Cantina, (IT)*
ID: 009750
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, white

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-281, #TBR-001

%Tosti, (IT)*
ID: 003274
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Silver embossed

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-288, #TTS-005a

%Valdo, (IT)*
ID: 007501
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black - VALDO VALDOBBIADENE....(no M in circle)

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-293, #VAL-005b

%Vedova Cantine, (IT)*
ID: 010418
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold - CF

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-297, #VVC-002

%Villa Crespia, (IT)*
ID: 003137
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Blue, gold rings/letters, white center

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-304, #VLP-001

%Villa Sandi, (IT)*
ID: 005932
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold

Quantity: 8
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-305, #VSN-002

%Zardetto, (IT)*
ID: 006254
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black ring, jester design

Quantity: 6
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-309, #ZRD-003

%Zardetto, (IT)*
ID: 008195
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black design/letters - Z

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-310, #ZRD-006

%Zardetto, (IT)*
ID: 010246
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold - Z

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-310, #ZRD-007

%Zonin, (IT)*
ID: 004069
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, red, thin letters

Quantity: 14
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-314, #ZNN-007a

%Zonin, (IT)*
ID: 006248
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold, - ITALIA closest to outer circle

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-314, #ZNN-005

%Zonin, (IT)*
ID: 008409
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold letters/design - 3014

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Catalogo Generale Capsule Italiane [2023 IT-314, #ZNN-006

=A Cooperative de Beblenheim, (M) #1*`
ID: 001828
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Yellow, black design

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M-28, #1

=A Cremant D'Alsace, (M) #32*
ID: 000778
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Yellow-gold, black script

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M30, #32

=A Cremant D'Alsace, (M) #59a*
ID: 008297
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, light green bubbles, letters

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M30, #59a

=A Cremant D'Alsace, (M) #68*
ID: 008794
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Authenique, green

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M31, #68

=A Cremant D'Alsace, (M)*
ID: 009371
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Feter

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M-32, #73c

=A Cremant D’Alsace, (M) #29*
ID: 003136
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Gold, black shield/script letters

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M30, #29

=A Cremant D’Alsace, (M) #43*
ID: 011432
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Matte gold, black

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2023 M-30, #43

=A Cremant D’Alsace, (M) #50*
ID: 002476
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream, maroon village, letters, T on top of C

Quantity: 9
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M30, #50

=A Cremant D’Alsace, (M) #68a*
ID: 009609
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: L. Liberte

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M31, #68a

=A Cremant D’Alsace, (M) #68e*
ID: 009424
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: E. effervescence

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M31, #68e

=A Metz, Arthur (M)#3
ID: 005849
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, rose orange, green

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M39, #3

=A Mure, Rene, (M) #1*
ID: 006969
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream, maroon, with strires

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M39, #1

=BOR Caves de Landiras, Larose Jules, (M)*
ID: 009859
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, gold-bronze, white

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M45, #13
Cuvée Larose, Jules

=BOR Caves de Landiras, sparkling wine, (M)*
ID: 004697
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black rim, grey-cream center, black – SPARKLING WINE

Quantity: 5
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M45, #10a

=BOR Veuve du Vernay, (M)*
ID: 000283
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Green, gold ring, red center – V, BRUT

Quantity: 14
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M48, #3

=BOR Veuve du Vernay, (M)*
ID: 010503
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, marron, red circle with V

Quantity: 7
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M48, #11

=BOR Veuve, Paul Bur, (M)*
ID: 000459
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Beige rim, small grey stripes, green, gold – PB

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M48, #1

=BOU Bailly Lapierre, (M)*
ID: 008795
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Maroon, cream

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M50, #7

=BOU Boisset, Jean-Charles, (M)*
ID: 008572
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, matte gold - JCB

Quantity: 3
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Champagne [2023 M51, #1

=BOU Bouillot, Louis, (M)*
ID: 010260
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: White, gold rim,

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M52, #9

=BOU Bouillot, Louis, Nuits St George, (M)*
ID: 000470
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Maroon, gold design – LB

Quantity: 4
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M51, #1

=BOU Cremant, de Bourgogne, (M)*
ID: 003598
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Silver metal, embossed

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M53, #2

=BOU S.I.C.A. St Bris Le Vineux, (M)*
ID: 002410
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black rim/center/writing, matte gold ring

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): Y
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M62, #1

=BOU Vitteaut, Alberti, (M)*
ID: 009488
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Maroon, yellow rim

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M64, #1

=J Cabelier, Marcel, (M)*
ID: 003968
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Cream, red, black- MARCEL CABLIER

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M68, #1
Montvemeil, Point Lacheteau

=J Cabelier, Marcel, (M)*
ID: 003969
Type: Sparkling Wine
Commemorative: N
Description: Black, red & gold letters - MARCEL CABELIER

Quantity: 2
Tasted (Goûté): N
Catalogue: Lambert Repertiore des Plaques de Museletes du Vin Mousseux [2023 M68, #3
Montvemeil, Point Lacheteau